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Enhance your SOLIDWORKS Investment
As a SOLIDWORKS subscriptions Services member, you will have immediate, exclusive access to all new SOLIDWORKS releases and upgrades, live technical support, products, extensive online resources, and enhancement request privileges. With Subscription Services you’ll stay current and competitive, while maximizing the value you get from your SOLIDWORKS software.
Support, upgrades, new versions, special releases, add-on features, webcasts—all designed exclusively for SolidWorks Subscription Service members—improve your performance and productivity with an intuitive 3D design experience, giving you a competitive advantage. With a subscription, you’ll have access to these valuable support resources for any of the following products:
SolidWorks addresses any critical issue you experience while using the software, whether you’re on the current version or the prior release. Full extended support runs 12 months from the release of the current version, so, if you have a valid subscription contract, SolidWorks and your reseller will support both the current and the prior release.
Direct access to a comprehensive library of drawings, parts, assemblies, and features from SolidWorks users around the globe. Drag and drop models directly into your design projects and save hours of design time. Special privileges Influence future SolidWorks software by requesting specific enhancements. Subscription Service members initiate more than 90 percent of the hundreds of enhancements in every SolidWorks version. You can also preview SolidWorks beta software and SolidWorks Early Visibility (EV) Service Packs, making you one of the first to capitalize on the most current capabilities in CAD.
With Subscription Service, you have access to comprehensive support from your local reseller and SolidWorks experts to enhance your investment in SolidWorks software and guide you through any challenge.
You get full access to the SolidWorks Knowledge Base, an expansive, easily searchable web-based library of technical articles, help topics, tech tips, best practices, solutions, and macros, all written, reviewed, and frequently updated by SolidWorks experts. A few minutes of self-directed learning can improve your productivity.
Subscription Service members get free access to testing and certification for Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) and Certified SolidWorks Professional (CSWP) credentials. Subscribers can take one advanced certification exam per subscription year. These certifications validate that the SolidWorks user has expertise in the world’s most widely adopted 3D CAD software. Subscription members can access a free management report showing exam performance, skill areas for improvement, and recommendations for achieving productivity gains with SolidWorks software.
SolidWorks Customer Portal and My.SolidWorks Your online destination from purchase through installation and upgrade, the portal brings you the full range of SolidWorks Subscription Service resources, including support, upgrades, service packs, enhancement requests, license information, forums, archived webcasts, partner discounts, e-learning, and more. Plus access to privileged content on where users can find resources and expertise from the entire
If under subscription get below benefits now
Our solutions enable you and your team to quickly transform new ideas into great products.
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